If you don't encrypt /boot the default GRUB-scripts works better, i e it boots automatically, at least until the scripts are improved upon.
+####Flashing Externally [WIP]!
+To internally flash your ROM use the kernel parameter "iomem=relaxed". Thus, if you boot manually you would enter e g "linux=vmlinuz.. iomem=relaxed"
+clone libreboot ...
+#Get a newer version of flashrom than in Debian repo
+#In my case the older version did not detect the exact chip on x200
+#This was fixed by cloning and building the most recent version
+./download flashrom
+cd flashrom
+sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev build-dep linux-image-$(uname -r)
+make install #needs sudo?
+#backup current rom
+sudo ./flashrom -p internal -r ~/this_is_my0.rom
+sudo ./flashrom -p internal -r ~/this_is_my1.rom
+sudo ./flashrom -p internal -r ~/this_is_my2.rom
+#build libreboot, for the ROM
+#dependencies for Debian
+sudo ./oldbuild dependencies trisquel7
+#download and build necessary
+./download grub -y
+./download coreboot -y
+./oldbuild module grub
+./oldbuild module coreboot
+#finally build the ROM we want
+./oldbuild roms withgrub x200_8mb
+cd bin/grub
+#./oldbuild clean all
+## Moving on
+#cp new.rom ich9deblob/x86_64
+#cd ich9deblob/x86_64
+#/ich9gen --macaddress XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
+#dd if=ich9fdgbe_8m.bin of=libreboot.rom bs=1 count=12k conv=notrunc #for 8mb chip
+#mv new.rom ../../
+#sudo ./flash update libreboot.rom
TODO improve GRUB config
Buy a couple of flash chips in case of you breaking them, and to test different payloads. Furthermore, one could buy a proprietary chip just to debug the hardware.
ROM-chip (eg.): Winbond W25Q16DV (Note: the image built from Libreboot needs to match the ROM size. Specifically, if you're choosing pre-built this must match exactly AFAIK)