##Fria wifi
+Note that many systems come with proprietary wifi, e g the X200 laptop or the S3 phone. In these cases another wifi chip is needed, either external (micro/)USB or internal.
-##Fria mobilen
-TODO Replicant
-###Matrix **MOVE ME?**
-Enbart steg 5, certifikat https://www.upcloud.com/support/install-matrix-synapse/
-sudo chown matrix-synapse:nogroup /etc/letsencrypt/archive/ -R
-sudo chown matrix-synapse:nogroup /etc/letsencrypt/live/ -R
-**KLIENT: (Riot)**
-wget https://riot.im/packages/debian/repo-key.asc
+For hardware recommendations see: [[https://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/endorsement/respects-your-freedom]] and [[https://h-node.org/hardware/catalogue/en]]
-sudo apt-key add repo-key.asc
-rm repo-key.asc
-sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/matrix-riot.list
-**#ADD THIS !**
-# Riot (Matrix client)
-deb https://riot.im/packages/debian/ stretch main
-deb-src https://riot.im/packages/debian/ stretch main
-sudo apt-get update
-sudo apt-get install riot-web
+##Fria mobilen
+Sadly phones are proprietary devices that track you.
+Nevertheless, [Replicant](https://www.replicant.us/) is good but slow.
+An interesting coming phone is [Librem 5](https://puri.sm/shop/librem-5/), Q1 2019.
+We have some experience with Replicant, guides coming (TODO!).