# If $try is set, print a warning but don't crash if the command fails.
sub subscribe($$;$) {
my ($self, $mailbox, $try) = @_;
+ $mailbox = 'INBOX' if uc $mailbox eq 'INBOX'; # INBOX is case-insensitive
my $r = $self->_send("SUBSCRIBE ".quote($mailbox));
if ($IMAP_cond eq 'OK') {
$self->log("Subscribe to ".$mailbox) unless $self->{quiet};
sub unsubscribe($$;$) {
my ($self, $mailbox, $try) = @_;
+ $mailbox = 'INBOX' if uc $mailbox eq 'INBOX'; # INBOX is case-insensitive
my $r = $self->_send("UNSUBSCRIBE ".quote($mailbox));
if ($IMAP_cond eq 'OK') {
$self->log("Unsubscribe to ".$mailbox) unless $self->{quiet};
# dump the cache before issuing the command if we're appending to the current mailbox
my ($UIDNEXT, $EXISTS, $cache, %vanished);
+ $mailbox = 'INBOX' if uc $mailbox eq 'INBOX'; # INBOX is case-insensitive
if (defined $self->{_SELECTED} and $mailbox eq $self->{_SELECTED}) {
$cache = $self->{_CACHE}->{$mailbox};
$UIDNEXT = $cache->{UIDNEXT} // $self->panic();
sub set_cache($$%) {
my $self = shift;
my $mailbox = shift // $self->panic();
+ $mailbox = 'INBOX' if uc $mailbox eq 'INBOX'; # INBOX is case-insensitive
my $cache = $self->{_PCACHE}->{$mailbox} //= {};
my %status = @_;
my $self = shift;
my $mailbox = shift;
if (defined $mailbox) {
+ $mailbox = 'INBOX' if uc $mailbox eq 'INBOX'; # INBOX is case-insensitive
my $cache = $self->{_CACHE}->{$mailbox} // return;
return $cache->{UIDVALIDITY};
# internal cache is newer than its persistent cache.
sub is_dirty($$) {
my ($self, $mailbox) = @_;
+ $mailbox = 'INBOX' if uc $mailbox eq 'INBOX'; # INBOX is case-insensitive
my $cache = $self->{_CACHE}->{$mailbox} // return 1;
my $pcache = $self->{_PCACHE}->{$mailbox} // return 1;
my $mailbox = shift;
my ($seqs, $uids) = @_;
+ $mailbox = uc $mailbox eq 'INBOX' ? 'INBOX' : $mailbox; # INBOX is case-insensitive
my $pcache = $self->{_PCACHE}->{$mailbox} //= {};
my $cache = $self->{_CACHE}->{$mailbox} //= {};
$cache->{UIDVALIDITY} = $pcache->{UIDVALIDITY} if defined $pcache->{UIDVALIDITY};
- $mailbox = uc $mailbox eq 'INBOX' ? 'INBOX' : $mailbox; # INBOX is case-insensitive
$command .= ' '.quote($mailbox);
if ($self->_enabled('QRESYNC') and ($pcache->{HIGHESTMODSEQ} // 0) > 0 and ($pcache->{UIDNEXT} // 1) > 1) {
$command .= " (QRESYNC ($pcache->{UIDVALIDITY} $pcache->{HIGHESTMODSEQ} "