password => qr/\A([\x01-\x7F]+)\z/,
auth => qr/\A($RE_ATOM_CHAR+(?: $RE_ATOM_CHAR+)*)\z/,
command => qr/\A(\/\P{Control}+)\z/,
- 'read-only' => qr/\A(YES|NO)\z/i,
SSL_fingerprint => qr/\A([A-Za-z0-9]+\$\p{AHex}+)\z/,
SSL_cipher_list => qr/\A(\P{Control}+)\z/,
SSL_verify_trusted_peer => qr/\A(YES|NO)\z/i,
# - 'name': An optional instance name to include in log messages.
-# - 'read-only': Use only commands that don't modify the server state.
-# In particular, use EXAMINE in place of SELECT for mailbox
-# selection.
# - 'extra-attrs': An attribute or list of extra attributes to FETCH
# when getting new mails, in addition to (MODSEQ FLAGS INTERNALDATE
my $self = { @_ };
bless $self, $class;
- # whether we're allowed to to use read-write command
- $self->{'read-only'} = uc ($self->{'read-only'} // 'NO') ne 'YES' ? 0 : 1;
# the IMAP state: one of 'UNAUTH', 'AUTH', 'SELECTED' or 'LOGOUT'
# (cf RFC 3501 section 3)
$self->{_STATE} = '';
# $self->select($mailbox)
# $self->examine($mailbox)
-# Issue a SELECT or EXAMINE command for the $mailbox. (Always use
-# EXAMINE if the 'read-only' flag is set.) Upon success, change the
-# state to SELECTED, otherwise go back to AUTH.
+# Issue a SELECT or EXAMINE command for the $mailbox. Upon success,
+# change the state to SELECTED, otherwise go back to AUTH.
sub select($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $mailbox = shift;
- my $cmd = $self->{'read-only'} ? 'EXAMINE' : 'SELECT';
- $self->_select_or_examine($cmd, $mailbox);
+ $self->_select_or_examine('SELECT', $mailbox);
sub examine($$) {
my $self = shift;
# $self->create($mailbox)
# $self->delete($mailbox)
-# CREATE or DELETE $mailbox. Requires the 'read-only' flag to be unset.
+# CREATE or DELETE $mailbox.
sub create($$) {
my ($self, $mailbox) = @_;
- $self->fail("Server is read-only.") if $self->{'read-only'};
$self->_send("CREATE ".quote($mailbox));
$self->log("Created mailbox ".$mailbox) unless $self->{quiet};
sub delete($$) {
my ($self, $mailbox) = @_;
- $self->fail("Server is read-only.") if $self->{'read-only'};
$self->_send("DELETE ".quote($mailbox));
$self->log("Deleted mailbox ".$mailbox) unless $self->{quiet};
delete $self->{_CACHE}->{$mailbox};
# $self->rename($oldname, $newname)
-# RENAME the mailbox $oldname to $newname. Requires the 'read-only'
-# flag to be unset.
+# RENAME the mailbox $oldname to $newname.
# /!\ Requires a LIST command to be issued to determine the hierarchy
# delimiter for the original name.
sub rename($$$) {
my ($self, $from, $to) = @_;
my $delim = $self->{_CACHE}->{$from}->{DELIMITER} if defined $self->{_CACHE}->{$from};
- $self->fail("Server is read-only.") if $self->{'read-only'};
$self->_send("RENAME ".quote($from).' '.quote($to));
$self->log("Renamed mailbox ".$from.' to '.$to) unless $self->{quiet};
$self->{_CACHE}->{$to} = delete $self->{_CACHE}->{$from} if exists $self->{_CACHE}->{$from};
# $self->subscribe($mailbox)
# $self->unsubscribe($mailbox)
-# SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE $mailbox. Requires the 'read-only' flag to
-# be unset.
sub subscribe($$) {
my ($self, $mailbox) = @_;
- $self->fail("Server is read-only.") if $self->{'read-only'};
$self->_send("SUBSCRIBE ".quote($mailbox));
$self->log("Subscribed to mailbox ".$mailbox) unless $self->{quiet};
sub unsubscribe($$) {
my ($self, $mailbox) = @_;
- $self->fail("Server is read-only.") if $self->{'read-only'};
$self->_send("UNSUBSCRIBE ".quote($mailbox));
$self->log("Unsubscribed to mailbox ".$mailbox) unless $self->{quiet};
my $self = shift;
my $mailbox = shift;
return unless @_;
- $self->fail("Server is read-only.") if $self->{'read-only'};
$self->fail("Server did not advertise UIDPLUS (RFC 4315) capability.")
if $self->incapable('UIDPLUS');
# $self->_select_or_examine($command, $mailbox)
-# Issue a SELECT or EXAMINE command for the $mailbox. (Always use
-# EXAMINE if the 'read-only' flag is set.) Upon success, change the
-# state to SELECTED, otherwise go back to AUTH.
+# Issue a SELECT or EXAMINE command for the $mailbox. Upon success,
+# change the state to SELECTED, otherwise go back to AUTH.
sub _select_or_examine($$$) {
my $self = shift;
my $command = shift;