# new mailbox
if (!defined $$idx) {
- my $subscribed = grep { $_ eq $mailbox} @SUBSCRIPTIONS ? 1 : 0;
+ my $subscribed = (grep { $_ eq $mailbox} @SUBSCRIPTIONS) ? 1 : 0;
$STH_NEWMAILBOX->execute($mailbox, $subscribed);
($$idx) = $STH_GET_INDEX->fetchrow_array();
$self->fail("Logins are disabled.") if grep {$_ eq 'LOGINDISABLED'} @caps;
my @mechs = grep defined, map { /^AUTH=(.+)/ ? $1 : undef } @caps;
- my $mech = (grep defined, map {my $m = $_; grep {$m eq $_} @mechs ? $m : undef}
+ my $mech = (grep defined, map {my $m = $_; (grep {$m eq $_} @mechs) ? $m : undef}
split(/ /, $self->{auth}))[0];
$self->fail("Failed to choose an authentication mechanism") unless defined $mech;
# do that afterwards since the UID FETCH command above can produce VANISHED responses
my %vanished = map {$_ => 1} @{$self->{_VANISHED}};
- my @vanished = keys %vanished;
+ @vanished = keys %vanished;
$self->{_VANISHED} = [];
# ignore FLAG updates on VANISHED messages