Once you have flashed and found working memory for the system. It works rather well, no need to remove CMOS battery for instance (if no picture/boot, just disconnect PSU for a sec and restart).
Small annoyance is that the computer won't start with USB _storage_ attached (so instead, you should disconnect these and reconnect when grub is shown).
It is a good machine for every day use (free firmware & 32 cores and 64GB DDR3 ECC RAM), and possible to find used starting at 5k = 3k+1k+1k (motherboard+cpu+ram), remember that external GPU and sound cards will be needed.
-The single-thread performance is rubbish and a major bottleneck for certain applications (no you can't play CS:GO, and only slight performance gain can be achieved by forcing all threads to highest clock in Linux with cpupower). The other problem is that the dual CPU system draws ~200 watts IN IDLE (and 400w at full load).
+The single-thread performance is rubbish and a major bottleneck for certain applications (no you can't play CS:GO or other modern video games, and only slight performance gain can be achieved by forcing all threads to highest clock in Linux with cpupower). The other problem is that the dual CPU system draws ~200 watts IN IDLE (and 400w at full load).
#### General