--- /dev/null
+title: Case of setting up InterIMAP with Dovecot and Mutt for Fripost account on Debian
+This case guide explains the setup of InterIMAP against two separate
+email accounts, e.g. work and private. The guide also covers the
+overview of configuration philosophy and strategy.
+*TODO Actually the configuration is for a single account. Restructure
+documentation to cover "single" and "multiple account" setups*
+# Overview
+A local IMAP server has a local mail store. InterIMAP always
+synchronises between two IMAP servers, *local* and *remote*. In this
+case the goal is to sync multiple remote IMAP servers with local
+ones. And on top of that, configure the mail client with multiple
+The following software components are involved:
+ * [Dovecot](https://dovecot.org)
+ * [Mutt](http://mutt.org)
+ * [InterIMAP](https://git.guilhem.org/interimap/about/)
+The environment is assumed to be Debian Stable, Debian 9 Stretch. For
+InterIMAP, however the Debian Testing repository need to be available.
+The mail client (Mutt) is served via IMAP from a local instance of
+Dovecot. Local storage will be Maildir format. Using the IMAP server
+to serve content to the mail client is preferred, compared to using the
+client's internal Maildir support.
+The setup corresponds to multiple running instances of an IMAP server:
+Dovecot is invoked with a separate instance for every client session,
+as well as for the instance of InterIMAP. This is of course no
+Further, the setup is straight forward. E.g. Dovecot namespaces are
+not needed. Also, all configuration and services are user local. no
+system wide configuration changes will be needed. The system wide
+dovecot service is even disabled.
+# Install software
+Make sure testing is in sources. Install (run as sudo):
+ apt-get install interimap dovecot-imapd
+# Structure of Maildir locally
+*TODO Explain the local storage setup*
+# Setup Dovecot
+Disable the system wide Dovecot service (run as sudo):
+systemctl stop dovecot
+systemctl disable dovecot
+Verify connectivity and setup with the following:
+ /usr/lib/dovecot/imap -o "mail_location=maildir:~/Maildir/fripost-dovecot"
+you should see long output pattern `* PREAUTH ... Logged in as
+...`. The PREAUTH shows your authenticated at login. Type the command
+`a list "" "*"` to list your mailboxes.
+Create a wrapper for execution
+install -m 0755 /dev/stdin ~/.local/bin/imap-fripost-dovecot <<EOF
+exec /usr/lib/dovecot/imap \
+ -o "mail_location=maildir:~/Maildir/fripost-dovecot" \
+ -o "namespace/inbox/separator=/"
+# Configure email client (Mutt)
+Put in your mutt configuration:
+set tunnel = "exec ~/.local/bin/imap-fripost-dovecot"
+set folder = "imap://foo"
+set spoolfile = "imap://foo"
+# Configure InterIMAP
+Prepare config.
+*TODO The following should be replaced with a setup of multiple
+configuration files due to the "multiple account" setup.*
+mkdir -m 0700 -p ~/.config/interimap
+install -m 0600 /usr/share/doc/interimap/interimap.sample ~/.config/interimap/config
+Edit *~/.config/interimap/config*:
+ * Remove *list-select-opts* option
+ * Edit *local* and *remote* sections
+type = tunnel
+command = exec ~/.local/bin/imap-fripost-dovecot
+null-stderr = YES
+#type = imaps
+host = imap.fripost.org
+#port = 993
+#proxy = socks5h://localhost:9050
+username = gustav.eek
+password = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+#compress = YES
+# Systemd setup
+*TODO The following should be replaced with a template version due to
+the "multiple account" setup.*
+Enable the service for your user.
+systemctl --user start interimap
+systemctl --user enable interimap
+In need of configuration change override the system wide configuration
+(in */usr/lib/systemd/user/interimap.service*), e.g:
+mkdir -m 0755 -p /home/gustav/.config/systemd/user/interimap.service.d
+install -m 0644 /dev/stdin ~/.config/systemd/user/interimap.service.d/override.conf <<EOF
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/interimap --watch=20
+systemctl --user daemon-reload
+This is standard Systemd configuration. See "systemd.unit(5)".
+# Dovecot morals (comments on configuration)
+Stop read here if you are happy with having it all working.
+Dovecot has many intricate options for configuration. As explained,
+the setup described in this guide is straight forward. The interested
+can visit the bellow section of comments.
+## Secure your instance
+Above configuration assumes that you will disable all of dovecot. As a
+precaution take a few security measures regarding the service in case
+you happen to start it (or need it for purposes not presented here).
+Edit */etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf*. The latter to `ssl = no`
+Make sure dovecot is not exposed on Internet on ports. Edit
+service imap-login {
+ inet_listener imap {
+ port = 0
+ }
+ inet_listener imaps {
+ port = 0
+ }
+Restart and verify with `ss -ptln` that nothing listens on port 143 or
+## Dovecot namespaces
+ * Dovecot v2.x
+ documentation, [Namespaces](https://wiki2.dovecot.org/Namespaces)
+The benefit of using namespaces is that Dovecot could support
+multiple mailboxes from one instance. Therefore namespaces. would be
+the natural choice for the described setup.
+One reason not to use namespaces is that InterIMAP yet doesn't
+support it. However, namespaces would also add unnecessary
+complexity. The setup described here is straight forward. Multiple
+instances of Dovecot does not correspond to a lot of overhead, and
+InterIMAP it would any how causes extra dovecot instances.
+## Maildir file system layout
+As said, local storage is configured to be in Maildir format. In
+theory Mutt has native Maildir support and could directly parse the
+Maildir folders. Using the IMAP server to serve the content is however
+ * Dovecot's
+ documentation,
+ [Maildir configuration](https://wiki.dovecot.org/MailLocation/Maildir)
+Dovecot uses Maildir++ directory layout. Folders are prefixed with dot
+(.). There is an option (suffix) `LAYOUT=fs` to enable file system
+layout. We recommend the default configuration. File system level
+management should be treated as dovecot internals, and looked at
+through the IMAP lens, not directly. Also, Maildir++ correspond to a
+clean structure where Maildir's *new*, *tmp* and *cur* folders are
+conceptually separated from mail folders through the naming pattern.
+# Migrate from OfflineIMAP
+[OfflineIMAP](https://www.offlineimap.org) is a mailbox
+synchronisation solution. In theory one might could reuse a Malildir
+setup from OfflineIMAP. Don't. It is easy enough to re-synchronise all
+email fresh.
+++ /dev/null
-title: Case of setting up InterIMAP with Dovecot and Mutt for Fripost account on Debian
-This case guide explains the setup of InterIMAP against two separate
-email accounts, e.g. work and private. The guide also covers the
-overview of configuration philosophy and strategy.
-*TODO Actually the configuration is for a single account. Restructure
-documentation to cover "single" and "multiple account" setups*
-# Overview
-A local IMAP server has a local mail store. InterIMAP always
-synchronises between two IMAP servers, *local* and *remote*. In this
-case the goal is to sync multiple remote IMAP servers with local
-ones. And on top of that, configure the mail client with multiple
-The following software components are involved:
- * [Dovecot](https://dovecot.org)
- * [Mutt](http://mutt.org)
- * [InterIMAP](https://git.guilhem.org/interimap/about/)
-The environment is assumed to be Debian Stable, Debian 9 Stretch. For
-InterIMAP, however the Debian Testing repository need to be available.
-The mail client (Mutt) is served via IMAP from a local instance of
-Dovecot. Local storage will be Maildir format. Using the IMAP server
-to serve content to the mail client is preferred, compared to using the
-client's internal Maildir support.
-The setup corresponds to multiple running instances of an IMAP server:
-Dovecot is invoked with a separate instance for every client session,
-as well as for the instance of InterIMAP. This is of course no
-Further, the setup is straight forward. E.g. Dovecot namespaces are
-not needed. Also, all configuration and services are user local. no
-system wide configuration changes will be needed. The system wide
-dovecot service is even disabled.
-# Install software
-Make sure testing is in sources. Install (run as sudo):
- apt-get install interimap dovecot-imapd
-# Structure of Maildir locally
-*TODO Explain the local storage setup*
-# Setup Dovecot
-Disable the system wide Dovecot service (run as sudo):
-systemctl stop dovecot
-systemctl disable dovecot
-Verify connectivity and setup with the following:
- /usr/lib/dovecot/imap -o "mail_location=maildir:~/Maildir/fripost-dovecot"
-you should see long output pattern `* PREAUTH ... Logged in as
-...`. The PREAUTH shows your authenticated at login. Type the command
-`a list "" "*"` to list your mailboxes.
-Create a wrapper for execution
-install -m 0755 /dev/stdin ~/.local/bin/imap-fripost-dovecot <<EOF
-exec /usr/lib/dovecot/imap \
- -o "mail_location=maildir:~/Maildir/fripost-dovecot" \
- -o "namespace/inbox/separator=/"
-# Configure email client (Mutt)
-Put in your mutt configuration:
-set tunnel = "exec ~/.local/bin/imap-fripost-dovecot"
-set folder = "imap://foo"
-set spoolfile = "imap://foo"
-# Configure InterIMAP
-Prepare config.
-*TODO The following should be replaced with a setup of multiple
-configuration files due to the "multiple account" setup.*
-mkdir -m 0700 -p ~/.config/interimap
-install -m 0600 /usr/share/doc/interimap/interimap.sample ~/.config/interimap/config
-Edit *~/.config/interimap/config*:
- * Remove *list-select-opts* option
- * Edit *local* and *remote* sections
-type = tunnel
-command = exec ~/.local/bin/imap-fripost-dovecot
-null-stderr = YES
-#type = imaps
-host = imap.fripost.org
-#port = 993
-#proxy = socks5h://localhost:9050
-username = gustav.eek
-password = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
-#compress = YES
-# Systemd setup
-*TODO The following should be replaced with a template version due to
-the "multiple account" setup.*
-Enable the service for your user.
-systemctl --user start interimap
-systemctl --user enable interimap
-In need of configuration change override the system wide configuration
-(in */usr/lib/systemd/user/interimap.service*), e.g:
-mkdir -m 0755 -p /home/gustav/.config/systemd/user/interimap.service.d
-install -m 0644 /dev/stdin ~/.config/systemd/user/interimap.service.d/override.conf <<EOF
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/interimap --watch=20
-systemctl --user daemon-reload
-This is standard Systemd configuration. See "systemd.unit(5)".
-# Dovecot morals (comments on configuration)
-Stop read here if you are happy with having it all working.
-Dovecot has many intricate options for configuration. As explained,
-the setup described in this guide is straight forward. The interested
-can visit the bellow section of comments.
-## Secure your instance
-Above configuration assumes that you will disable all of dovecot. As a
-precaution take a few security measures regarding the service in case
-you happen to start it (or need it for purposes not presented here).
-Edit */etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf*. The latter to `ssl = no`
-Make sure dovecot is not exposed on Internet on ports. Edit
-service imap-login {
- inet_listener imap {
- port = 0
- }
- inet_listener imaps {
- port = 0
- }
-Restart and verify with `ss -ptln` that nothing listens on port 143 or
-## Dovecot namespaces
- * Dovecot v2.x
- documentation, [Namespaces](https://wiki2.dovecot.org/Namespaces)
-The benefit of using namespaces is that Dovecot could support
-multiple mailboxes from one instance. Therefore namespaces. would be
-the natural choice for the described setup.
-One reason not to use namespaces is that InterIMAP yet doesn't
-support it. However, namespaces would also add unnecessary
-complexity. The setup described here is straight forward. Multiple
-instances of Dovecot does not correspond to a lot of overhead, and
-InterIMAP it would any how causes extra dovecot instances.
-## Maildir file system layout
-As said, local storage is configured to be in Maildir format. In
-theory Mutt has native Maildir support and could directly parse the
-Maildir folders. Using the IMAP server to serve the content is however
- * Dovecot's
- documentation,
- [Maildir configuration](https://wiki.dovecot.org/MailLocation/Maildir)
-Dovecot uses Maildir++ directory layout. Folders are prefixed with dot
-(.). There is an option (suffix) `LAYOUT=fs` to enable file system
-layout. We recommend the default configuration. File system level
-management should be treated as dovecot internals, and looked at
-through the IMAP lens, not directly. Also, Maildir++ correspond to a
-clean structure where Maildir's *new*, *tmp* and *cur* folders are
-conceptually separated from mail folders through the naming pattern.
-# Migrate from OfflineIMAP
-[OfflineIMAP](https://www.offlineimap.org) is a mailbox
-synchronisation solution. In theory one might could reuse a Malildir
-setup from OfflineIMAP. Don't. It is easy enough to re-synchronise all
-email fresh.