--- /dev/null
+# Toolkit for retrieval and upload of confluence wiki page information
+# and similar based on curl and pandoc
+# Parse the command line. Regarding getopt(1) external or getopts(3)
+# builtin
+# http://blog.onetechnical.com/2012/07/16/bash-getopt-versus-getopts/
+HELP="${0##*/}: toolkit for confluence wiki page information retrieaval
+Usage: ${0##*/} [-h] [-i PAGE_ID] [-m]
+ -i PAGE_ID Page ID of page to operate on
+ -m Print page as markdown
+ -o Out file (optional)
+ -c HTML out (optional)
+ -h Help -- show this page and exit
+ -v Vebose output
+Page content is *not* printed on stdout, tough that would be
+function echoerr { echo "$@" 1>&2; }
+while getopts hvmi:o:c: flag; do
+ case "$flag" in
+ h)
+ echoerr "$HELP"
+ exit 0 ;;
+ i)
+ page_id="$OPTARG" ;;
+ o)
+ out_file="$OPTARG" ;;
+ c)
+ html_save="t"
+ html_out_file="$OPTARG" ;;
+ m)
+ action="m" ;;
+ v)
+ v="v" ;;
+ *)
+ echoerr "$HELP"
+ exit 1 ;;
+ esac
+shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
+if [[ -z "$action" || -z "$page_id" ]]; then
+ echoerr "${0##*/}: ERROR: no action, page ID, and/or ouput page provided. Exits."
+ exit 1
+message="Continues with page id '$page_id' and action '$action'."
+if [ "$v" ]; then echoerr "${0##*/}: $message"; fi
+# Try to get page
+curl https://wiki.etraveli.net/plugins/viewstorage/viewpagestorage.action?pageId="$page_id"\
+ --verbose\
+ --cookie /tmp/cookie.cook --cookie-jar /tmp/cookie.cook\
+ > "$html_out_file" \
+ 2> "$curl_out_file"
+if grep -q "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" < "$curl_out_file"; then
+ message="Download went smooth."
+ if [ "$v" ]; then echoerr "${0##*/}: $message"; fi
+elif grep -q "HTTP/1.1 302 Found" < "$curl_out_file" &&
+ grep -q "Location: .*login.action" < "$curl_out_file"; then
+ message="Found reason to believe that login is required."
+ if [ "$v" ]; then echoerr "${0##*/}: $message"; fi
+ # Get usernama and password
+ echo "${0##*/}: Login is required. Provide username and password." 1>&2
+ stty -echo
+ printf "Username: " 1>&2; read username; echo 1>&2
+ printf "Password: " 1>&2; read password; echo 1>&2
+ stty echo
+ # Login
+ curl https://wiki.etraveli.net/dologin.action\
+ --verbose\
+ --cookie /tmp/cookie.cook --cookie-jar /tmp/cookie.cook\
+ --data "os_username=$username"\
+ --data "os_password=$password"\
+ --data "formname=loginform"\
+ --data "login='Log In'"\
+ > /dev/null\
+ 2> "$curl_out_file"
+ if grep -q "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" < "$curl_out_file" &&
+ grep -q "X-AUSERNAME: $username" < "$curl_out_file"; then
+ message="Login went through."
+ if [ "$v" ]; then echoerr "${0##*/}: $message"; fi
+ else
+ echo "${0##*/}: ERROR: Login error. Wrong username or password?. Exits." 1>&2
+ echo "${0##*/}: See Curl output file '$curl_out_file'." 1>&2
+ if [ -z "$html_save" ]; then rm -f "$html_out_file"; fi
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ curl https://wiki.etraveli.net/plugins/viewstorage/viewpagestorage.action?pageId="$page_id"\
+ --verbose\
+ --cookie /tmp/cookie.cook --cookie-jar /tmp/cookie.cook\
+ > "$html_out_file" \
+ 2> "$curl_out_file"
+ if grep -q "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" < "$curl_out_file"; then
+ message="Download went smooth."
+ if [ "$v" ]; then echoerr "${0##*/}: $message"; fi
+ else
+ echo "${0##*/}: Unknown error. Exits." 1>&2
+ echo "${0##*/}: See Curl output file '$curl_out_file'." 1>&2
+ if [ -z "$html_save" ]; then rm -f "$html_out_file"; fi
+ exit 4
+ fi
+ echo "${0##*/}: Unknown error. Exits." 1>&2
+ echo "${0##*/}: See Curl output file '$curl_out_file'." 1>&2
+ if [ -z "$html_save" ]; then rm -f "$html_out_file"; fi
+ exit 3
+# Perfor action
+case "$action" in
+ "m")
+ if [ "$v" ]; then
+ echo "${0##*/}: Translates to markdown using Pandoc." 1>&2; fi
+ if [ "$output_file" ]; then
+ pandoc -f html -t markdown-escaped_line_breaks -o "$output_file" < "$html_out_file"
+ else
+ pandoc -f html -t markdown-escaped_line_breaks < "$html_out_file" >&1
+ fi ;;
+ *)
+ echo "${0##*/}: Not a valid action. Exits." 1>&2
+ echo "${0##*/}: See Curl output file '$curl_out_file'." 1>&2
+ if [ -z "$html_save" ]; then rm -f "$html_out_file"; fi
+ exit 4 ;;
+# Clean up
+if [ "$v" ]; then echo "${0##*/}: Cleans up and exits." 1>&2; fi
+rm -f "$curl_out_file"
+if [ -z "$html_save" ]; then rm -f "$html_out_file"; fi
+exit 0