# RFC 5819 - Returning STATUS Information in Extended LIST
unless $CONFIG{notify};
+ if (defined (my $t = $CONFIG{target})) {
+ @$t = map { split(",", $_) } @$t;
+ die "Invalid target $_\n" foreach grep !/^(?:local|remote|database)$/, @$t;
+ $CONFIG{target} = {};
+ $CONFIG{target}->{$_} = 1 foreach @$t;
+ } else {
+ $CONFIG{target} = {};
+ $CONFIG{target}->{$_} = 1 foreach qw/local remote database/;
+ }
my $DBH;
# there is a race condition where the mailbox could have
# appeared meanwhile
foreach my $name (qw/local remote/) {
- next if defined $CONFIG{target} and !grep {$_ eq $name} @{$CONFIG{target}};
+ next unless $CONFIG{target}->{$name};
$IMAP->{$name}->{client}->delete($mailbox) if mbx_exists($name, $mailbox);
- if (defined $idx and (!defined $CONFIG{target} or grep {$_ eq 'database'} @{$CONFIG{target}})) {
+ if (defined $idx and $CONFIG{target}->{database}) {
my $r1 = $sth_delete_mapping->execute($idx);
msg('database', "WARNING: `DELETE FROM mapping WHERE idx = $idx` failed") unless $r1;
my $r2 = $sth_delete_local->execute($idx);
# issue the RENAME command, then the server would reply with a
# tagged NO response
foreach my $name (qw/local remote/) {
- next if defined $CONFIG{target} and !grep {$_ eq $name} @{$CONFIG{target}};
+ next unless $CONFIG{target}->{$name};
fail($name, "Mailbox $to exists. Run `$NAME --target=$name --delete $to` to delete.")
if mbx_exists($name, $to);
# ensure the target name doesn't already exist in the database
fail("database", "Mailbox $to exists. Run `$NAME --target=database --delete $to` to delete.")
- if defined $STH_GET_INDEX->fetch()
- and (!defined $CONFIG{target} or grep {$_ eq 'database'} @{$CONFIG{target}});
+ if defined $STH_GET_INDEX->fetch() and $CONFIG{target}->{database};
# rename $from to $to on servers where $from exists. again there is
# a race condition, but if $to has been created meanwhile the server
# will reply with a tagged NO response
foreach my $name (qw/local remote/) {
- next if defined $CONFIG{target} and !grep {$_ eq $name} @{$CONFIG{target}};
+ next unless $CONFIG{target}->{$name};
$IMAP->{$name}->{client}->rename($from, $to) if mbx_exists($name, $from);
# rename from to $to in the database
- if (defined $idx and (!defined $CONFIG{target} or grep {$_ eq 'database'} @{$CONFIG{target}})) {
+ if (defined $idx and $CONFIG{target}->{database}) {
my $sth_rename_mailbox = $DBH->prepare(q{UPDATE mailboxes SET mailbox = ? WHERE idx = ?});
my $r = $sth_rename_mailbox->execute($to, $idx);
msg('database', "WARNING: `UPDATE mailboxes SET mailbox = ".$DBH->quote($to)." WHERE idx = $idx` failed") unless $r;